The Alabama Teaching and Certification Resource

Are you interested in becoming a teacher in Alabama? The Alabama Teaching and Certification Resource is here to help.

This comprehensive guide offers detailed information on the requirements for teacher certification, including educational and testing requirements as well as the process for obtaining a Professional Educator Certificate.

Learn more about the many opportunities available to educators in Alabama.

Becoming a Teacher in Alabama

By meeting the basic requirements and passing the state exams for prospective educators, individuals can become certified to teach in Alabama. This includes earning a bachelor’s degree in an approved educator preparation program, passing the Alabama Educator Certification Testing Program: Basic Skills Assessment, and subject and grade-level specific Praxis II exams.

Additionally, a background check through Cogent (3M) for the Alabama Bureau of Investigation (ABI) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), official transcripts and verification of test scores, and a recommendation for certification from the attended educator preparation program are required.

High school diploma and a non-refundable application fee are also necessary. Alternative teacher certification options are available for those with a degree outside of education.

Finding Approved Teacher Education Programs

To become a certified teacher in Alabama, one must obtain a bachelor’s degree from a teacher education program approved by the Alabama State Department of Education. Here are a few tips to consider when searching for an approved program:

  • Check if the school is accredited by one of the six regional accrediting bodies
  • Look for CAEP accreditation as a marker of quality teacher preparation
  • Graduates from out-of-state programs must also become certified in their state of study

Alabama Teacher Education Requirements

Undergoing a background check and submitting fingerprints are necessary requirements to become certified to teach in Alabama.

In addition to a bachelor’s degree, prospective teachers must complete an approved educator preparation program and meet the minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.5. Lower GPA may still qualify for certification with a master’s degree or second bachelor’s degree.

The Alabama Educator Certification Testing Program must also be taken, along with Praxis II exams for subject and grade-level specific requirements.

A background check must be completed with Cogent (3M) for the Alabama Bureau of Investigation (ABI) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Official transcripts and verification of test scores are also needed to obtain certification.

Paying a non-refundable application fee is the last step in the certification process.

Alabama Teacher Testing Requirements

In order to obtain Alabama teacher certification, prospective teachers must take the Alabama Educator Certification Testing Program as well as the Praxis II exams for subject and grade-level specific requirements. The tests measure competence in reading, writing, mathematics, and endorsement areas.

To help the audience understand the importance of these tests, here are some key points:

  • Test scores must be verifiable
  • Test results are used for teacher certification
  • Background checks are mandatory for certification

Additional Alabama Teacher Certification Requirements

Furthermore, obtaining a Recommendation for Certification from the attended educator preparation program, submitting fingerprints for the background check, and paying a non-refundable application fee are additional requirements for Alabama teacher certification. These requirements are in addition to the bachelor’s degree, completion of an approved educator preparation program, and passing the state exams for prospective educators.

A background check is also mandatory for certification. This check is done through Cogent (3M) for the Alabama Bureau of Investigation (ABI) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

An official transcript and verification of test scores must also be submitted.

Some school districts may have stricter requirements than the state minimum.


In conclusion, the Alabama Teaching and Certification Resource is a comprehensive guide to teaching in the state.

It provides a detailed overview of the requirements for teacher certification, including educational and testing requirements, as well as an overview of the process for obtaining a Professional Educator Certificate.

Additionally, it offers insight into teacher shortages in the state, alternative certification programs, and other helpful resources.

This resource is an invaluable tool for anyone considering a career in teaching in Alabama.

About Jessica Phillips

Texas Teacher Colleges and Degrees Online Guide

The Alaska Teaching and Certification Resource
