
Best Science Websites You Might Not Have Heard Of

If you’re looking to brush up on your scientific knowledge, then one of the best ways to do this is looking through science websites (you can also check out some good science podcasts and science YouTube channels too!). You don’t need to spend hours browsing through science textbooks anymore – you can learn a lot from just looking through the internet.

However, you do need to make sure that you’re visiting the right websites for learning. But which ones are the best science websites? It’s easy to look at websites like NASA and the National Geographic, but what about some that you might not have heard of? Well, let’s look at some of them now.

Best Science Websites

5 Top Informational Science Websites

Cosmos Magazine

If you’re really interested in science, then there’s a good chance you might have heard of Cosmos already. They’ve been around for more than a decade now, and they have a good variety of different science content on there, as well as a ton of other topics too. If you’re just looking to discover some new interesting knowledge, then Cosmos is definitely a website you should visit.

Live Science

If you’re a fan of Space.com, then you’ll probably know that Live Science is another site within the same umbrella. They have a lot of useful science information on their website, as well as regular updates for any new informations that is being released. Whilst they mainly focus on space and physics, there’s a lot more interesting stuff to learn on this site too.


If you’re in the United Kingdom, then you need to sign up to the newsletter of New Scientist. Heck, even if you’re not based in the United Kingdom then it would probably be worth it! Although they are a magazine, they have a lot of video related content that is easily digestible when you just want to kick back and nerd out.

Science News

Most people reading this will not have heard of Science News, but they’re one of the oldest science related news websites on the internet. Whilst this is another website that has a lot of space related information (I guess that’s what people find most interesting, I can’t blame them!), there is also a lot of content around Nature, Physics and an array of other science topics.

Quanta Magazine

If you’re looking for a really high standard quality of article, then Quanta Magazine would be a really good choice for you. They have a lot of interesting physics articles on their site, and as well as science related topics they also release a lot of math content too. It’s one of my personal favorites and it’s worth adding to your list of science websites.

5 Interactive & Fun Science Websites

Wow Science

If you’re looking for the best interactive science learning website for kids, then one of them is definitely Wow Science. They have a ton of different games, activities and videos that you can explore to learn more about science. They have stuff on pretty much every science related topics, from humans to electricity, these are just some of their content.


If you’re looking for some fun ways to learn online, then I’d advise that you start with the Exploratorium. They have a wide host of different activities that you can learn by their subject, including a lot of stuff around the science area. This site is a great resource if you’re looking for some fun things that you can do together with your kids.

Curiosity Machine

If you’re looking for something fun to do together as a family, then you should definitely check out Curiosity Machine. This website has a host of different challenges that you can do together, which their most well known one giving you the chance to build things using Artificial Intelligence. It’s definitely worth checking out.


Another good website for those looking to learn interactively is Pop Brain. There is a ton of useful resources on this site, with everything from simple science quizzes all the way to more interactive stuff, like lessons on how to code. Overall, if you’re looking for something interactive, then BrainPop is a good one.


If you’re thinking about creating science toys for your kids to use, then this is a great resource. They have a lot of different options for people who are looking to have some fun with their kids on the site, and a great range of experiments that you can do yourself at home (as long as you’re safe!).


So, these are just some of the best science websites that are available for you to access online. Apologies if you’ve heard of them already, but to me these are some of the lesser known ones! If you have a gem of a science website you’d like to share, then please leave a comment and let me know!

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