Best Accredited Online and Campus Teacher’;s Aide Degrees

Earning a teacher’s aide degree can open up a range of career opportunities in the education field. Accredited online and campus programs are available for students interested in pursuing this degree.

This article will provide an overview of the best accredited online and campus teacher’s aide degrees, including top-ranked programs, best value schools, and specializations available.

Additionally, admissions requirements, financial aid options, and career opportunities for degree holders will be discussed.

Overview of Teacher’s Aide Degree Programs

With an array of degree options ranging from certificate to associate level, students can explore various accredited teacher’s aide degree programs to find the best fit for their individual needs. Certificate programs typically take around one year to complete, while associates degrees require 60 credit hours and take two years. Specializations include early childhood, elementary education, and special education.

Moreover, some schools offer hybrid and online programs that provide more flexibility. And for those looking for top-ranked programs, many schools offer excellent choices. With the right program, students can gain the knowledge and skills they need for a successful career as a teacher’s aide.

Degree Programs and Specializations

Teachers Aide degree programs offer a wide variety of specializations, including early childhood, elementary education, and special education. Certificate programs usually take around one year and associate degrees require around 60 credit hours and take around two years.

Specializations are varied and can include:

  • Early Childhood:

  • Childcare and Education

  • Preschool Credential Certificate

  • AS in Early Childhood & Paraprofessional

  • Elementary Education:

  • Teacher Paraprofessional

  • Paraeducation

  • Hybrid Certificate in Paraeducation

  • Special Education:

  • ParaPro Assessment

  • Flexible online and hybrid programs

  • Daytime, evening, and online sessions.

Top-Ranked Teacher’s Aide Degree Programs

Ranking among the top accredited schools, Western Iowa Tech Community College, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, Ridgewater College, Western Technical College, and Northwest Vista College all offer highly rated teachers aide degree programs.

These schools provide certificate, associate, and bachelor’s degree programs, with specializations such as early childhood, elementary education, and special education.

The certificate programs usually take around one year to complete, while the associate degrees require around 60 credit hours and take two years.

In addition, these schools offer hybrid and online courses for added flexibility.

These top-ranked programs provide students with the opportunity to gain the education and skills needed to become a successful teacher’s aide.

Best Value Schools With On-Campus Programs

Moreover, there are several best value schools that offer on-campus teachers aide degree programs. These schools provide students with a quality education at an affordable price, while also giving them the opportunity to learn in a traditional, on-campus environment.

These include:

  • Georgia Piedmont Technical College, offering a diploma and AAS in Early Childhood Care and Education
  • Lansing Community College, offering an AAS and CC in Teacher Paraprofessional
  • Moraine Park Technical College, offering an Early Childhood Preschool Credential Certificate
  • Northland College, offering an AS in Early Childhood & Paraprofessional
  • Century College, offering a hybrid Certificate in Paraeducation.

The programs offer a balance of theory and practical experience, allowing students to apply the knowledge and skills they gain in the classroom. Furthermore, the hybrid Certificate in Paraeducation at Century College gives students the chance to complete coursework during daytime, evening, and online sessions, providing them with the flexibility they need.

Online and Hybrid Programs

Additionally, Century College offers a hybrid Certificate in Paraeducation, allowing students to complete coursework both on-campus and online. This certificate requires 17 credit hours to complete, and students can arrange daytime, evening, and online sessions to suit their individual needs.

Students are also encouraged to take the ParaPro Assessment in order to become highly qualified.

Online and hybrid programs offer a great deal of flexibility for students, allowing them to complete their education without taking time away from their existing commitments.

This option provides an ideal way for students to pursue a Teacher’s Aide degree without incurring the cost and time associated with a full-time college degree program.

ParaPro Assessment

The ParaPro Assessment is a comprehensive test designed to verify a teacher’s aide’s knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to be highly qualified for the position. It is used by many schools to assess the competency of potential candidates. The exam covers topics such as reading, writing, and mathematics.

The test measures an individual’s:

  • Knowledge:

  • Content knowledge in core academic subjects

  • Understanding of instructional strategies

  • Skills:

  • Ability to apply knowledge to classroom situations

  • Ability to recognize and solve problems

The exam is an important step for those seeking to become a teacher’s aide. Taking the exam can help ensure that prospective aides are prepared to provide quality instruction and support to students.

Admissions Requirements

Conducting research into admission requirements is essential for prospective teachers aides to ensure eligibility for the degree program of their choice. Schools may have different requirements, but the following table outlines common admissions requirements for teacher’s aide degree programs:

Certificate Associates Bachelors
High School Diploma/GED Yes Yes Yes
Minimum GPA None 2.0 2.5
Age None 18+ 18+
Testing/Assessment None ParaPro None

In addition to the above, some programs may require an interview, letter of recommendation, or proof of work experience. It is important to contact individual colleges and universities to confirm their specific admissions requirements.

Financial Aid Options

Furthermore, financial aid options are available for students pursuing a teacher’s aide degree. Financial aid options vary depending on the type of degree program, with some programs being more cost-effective than others. For example, many schools provide grants and scholarships to help offset the cost of tuition for certificate and associate degree programs.

Additionally, some schools offer subsidized loans and institutional aid to help cover the remaining costs. Students should also research the availability of state and federal grants and scholarships, as well as private student loans.

Finally, students should consider the cost of books and materials when planning for a degree program.

Overall, there are a variety of financial aid options available for students interested in pursuing a teacher’s aide degree. With careful planning and research, students can identify the best financial aid options that fit their needs and budget.

Career Opportunities for Teacher’s Aide Degree Holders

Holding a teacher’s aide degree can open up a variety of career opportunities for individuals. For those with an associate or certificate program, there are various roles to choose from in public and private school settings. In addition, experienced professionals may find career opportunities in special education, early childhood, or other related fields.

Role Requirements Salary
Teacher’s Aide Certificate or associate degree $25,000 – $30,000
Special Education Aide Certificate or associate degree $25,000 – $33,000
Instructional Aide Certificate or associate degree $25,000 – $33,000
Early Childhood Educator Certificate or associate degree $25,000 – $35,000


Teacher’s aides are an important part of the educational system. Those interested in pursuing a career in this field can do so through accredited degree programs. These programs offer certificates, associates degrees, and bachelor’s degrees in teacher’s aide studies, with specializations available in early childhood, elementary education, and special education.

Top-ranked degree programs, best value schools, online and hybrid programs, and ParaPro Assessment are all available for those pursuing this career. Admissions requirements and financial aid options should be considered when making a decision.

With the right degree, teacher’s aides can enjoy a rewarding career.

About Jessica Phillips

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