Best Accredited Online and Campus General Education Degrees

Finding the right general education degree program can be difficult. Fortunately, the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) provides accreditation for quality degree programs in general education.

This article will provide information about the best accredited online and campus general education degree programs, the certification requirements, and the accreditation of the programs.

It will also provide helpful information on the best schools and degree programs for finding the right educational fit for you.

Overview of General Education Degree Programs

General education degree programs provide a variety of educational opportunities for students seeking to pursue a teaching career. These programs range from certificate and associate’s degrees to bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

Schools offering general education programs can be found in 783 colleges and universities. Out of these, 40 offer a certificate, 163 offer an associate’s degree, 302 offer a bachelor’s degree, and 462 offer an advanced or master’s degree.

Elementary education degrees specifically prepare educators for grades kindergarten through fifth or sixth. These programs focus on teaching core subjects such as English, reading, writing, science, and math.

Middle grades education programs, on the other hand, qualify graduates to teach more than one subject in grades four through eight.

For those interested in teaching at the high school level, secondary education degrees are available. These programs provide subject concentrations and teacher preparation programs.

In order to become a licensed teacher, all programs require passing state exams. Additionally, they must be accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

Benefits of Earning a General Education Degree

Earning a general education degree provides an invaluable opportunity to gain knowledge and experience, thus enabling future teachers to successfully navigate the teaching profession. Through general education degree programs, students can build a foundation of knowledge that is applicable across a variety of teaching settings. With specific focus on core subjects such as English, reading, writing, science, and math, teachers will be prepared to teach students of all grade levels.

Furthermore, gaining an accredited degree can lead to greater job opportunities and higher pay. Additionally, programs often provide field placement advising and assistance, so students can better prepare for their future in the teaching profession.

With a general education degree, teachers can enter the job market with confidence, having the needed skills to develop and lead successful classrooms.

Online General Education Degrees

Exploring online general education degree programs can offer flexibility for those looking to further their education while also managing their current obligations. With an online degree, you can access courses from anywhere, and at any time.

There are many benefits to earning a general education degree, including:

  1. Preparation for a variety of career paths.
  2. Qualification for a multiple-subject teaching license.
  3. Potential to earn a master’s or advanced degree in general education.

An accredited program is a great option for those looking to pursue a career in education. Research your state’s requirements for the area(s) you wish to teach, and look for programs with national accreditation through the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). These programs help provide a foundation for a successful teaching career.

Campus-Based General Education Degrees

Attending a campus-based general education program can provide students with the opportunity to collaborate with peers and access in-person resources to support their academic success. These programs can be found at both two-year and four-year universities and typically lead to a degree in general education. The curriculum focuses on providing foundational knowledge in many areas, such as mathematics, science, language arts, history, and social studies. Students will also learn educational theories and gain practical experience in the classroom.

Degree Type # of Schools
Certificate 40
Associate 163
Bachelor 302
Master 462

Elementary Education Degree Programs

Navigating an elementary education degree program can be a rewarding experience for aspiring educators. It allows them to gain an understanding of the core subjects needed to teach kindergarten through fifth or sixth grade. This program focuses on teaching English, reading, writing, science, and math, leading to a multiple-subject teaching license.

Requirements for successful completion of an elementary education degree program include passing state exams. These exams are a part of the accreditation process for these programs. Accreditation ensures that educators are well-prepared and qualified to teach in their respective states.

Earning an elementary education degree also provides a foundation for positions in demand for highly qualified teachers. As the demand for quality education increases, so does the need for well-trained and competent elementary school teachers. Graduates of these programs are well-equipped to meet this demand and make a positive impact on the lives of their students.

Middle Grades Education Degree Programs

Studying middle grades education programs can help graduates qualify to teach multiple subjects in grades four through eight. Varying by state and program, these courses focus on the developmental and learning needs of students in this age group. This type of degree can lead to a multiple-subject teaching license and requires passing state exams. Programs that hold national accreditation through the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) are recognized by some states and ensure quality and adherence to standards.

Grade Range Subject Focus Certification
4-8 Developmental/Learning Needs Multiple-Subject Teaching License
4-8 English/Reading/Writing State Exams
4-8 Math/Science CAEP Accreditation

Secondary Education Degree Programs

Exploring secondary education degree programs can help prepare graduates for certification as high school teachers. Prospective high school teachers major in the subject(s) they wish to teach. Teacher preparation programs provide knowledge for working with high schoolers, and generalized secondary education programs are an option for undecided subjects.

Requirements for licensure include:

  1. Passing required tests
  2. Major in the subject(s) they wish to teach
  3. Obtaining a bachelor’s degree in secondary education and a subject concentration.

State certification requirements may recognize degrees from CAEP-accredited schools. Research programs that hold national accreditation through CAEP to ensure quality standards in secondary education degree programs.

Certification Requirements and Accreditation

Gaining an understanding of certification requirements and accreditation is essential for successful completion of general education degree programs. Certification requirements for teaching vary by state and must be met before an educator can teach in a given area. Online and campus programs offer field placement advising and assistance, and researching the requirements of the state board of education is recommended. Programs accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) are recognized by some states and offer quality and adherence to standards.

Requirements Accreditation
State Passing state exams CAEP
Program Multiple-subject teaching license National accreditation
School Passing required tests Quality and standards

Finding the Right General Education Degree Program

Choosing the right general education degree program can be a challenging task, so it is important to research extensively and compare options carefully. Start by understanding the types of programs offered:

  1. General Education Degrees: 783 colleges and universities offer a certificate, associate’s, bachelor’s, and/or master’s degree in general education.

  2. Elementary Education Degrees: Focus on teaching core subjects, leading to a multiple-subject teaching license.

  3. Middle Grades Education Degrees: Varies by state and prepares graduates for certification as middle school teachers.

  4. Secondary Education Degrees: Bachelor’s in secondary education and a subject concentration, or an undecided subject.

Be sure to check state requirements for the area you wish to teach. Accreditation of schools and programs is key, as it ensures quality and adherence to standards. Researching schools that have national accreditation will help you find the right program.


Earning a general education degree provides many benefits and can open doors to a variety of career paths.

To ensure that the degree program chosen is of the highest quality, it is important to consider the accreditation of the program, certification requirements, and the type of degree.

With the right research and knowledge, students can find the perfect general education degree program that is best suited to their individual needs and career aspirations.

About Jessica Phillips

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